I want to Share Some Information with You Today.

Frontend refers to the part of a website or application where the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are designed and developed. Everything that users see when they access a website or application is created and edited by Frontend.

Frontend developers create websites and applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Thanks to these technologies, the structure (HTML), style and appearance (CSS) and interaction and behavior (JavaScript) of a web page are determined.

Frontend developers are often also interested in optimizing user interface design (UI design) and user experience (UX design). This includes editing the layout and functionality of buttons, menus, forms and other interactive elements to allow users to conveniently use the website or application. example 3otuz.com to be designed as.

Avoid Ready-Made Themes because Multiple Codes are used and may cause your website to Slow Down. reconfigure css I recommend that you stay away from new css and libraries when writing software on the Frontend Side. I am against using too many libraries, having too much css code causes your site to slow down.

What does Jul mean by a clean software

First of all, it comes to understanding How to Create everything from scratch. A new design and a Renewed css formation with it would be very useful for you. 

CSS allows us to control the colors, fonts, sizes, margins, backgrounds, layouts and many more style properties of a web page. In this way, we can create and customize the visual design of a website or application.

CSS works with a set of rules consisting of selectors, properties, and values. A CSS rule consists of a selector that selects one or more HTML elements, a property that determines the style properties to be applied to these elements, and the values to be assigned to these properties. For example:


Copy code

h1 {color: blue; font-size: 24px; margin-bottom:20px;

Relevant information for some new SEO optimized forms in HTML coding practice:

In order for it to be necessary on your site and for the structure of the site to work properly, the Codes Placed Under the drawing drawn on the Figma Side on the frontEnd side are Html Codes and the necessary software on the backend Side (admin panel backend) Used to Make Your Site Appear Decently in Search Engines.

Semantic HTML5 Elements:

The semantic elements offered by HTML5 provide search engines with a better guide to Decipher the structure of a web page. For example, you can define the structure of the page by using semantic elements such as <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>.

Title Tag Optimization:

the <title> tag is one of the most important SEO elements of every page. By Deciphering the title of each form accurately and meaningfully, you can help search engines better understand the content and provide more attractive results to users.

Meta Tags:

<meta> tags contain the description of the page, keywords, and other metadata. By creating unique and descriptive meta descriptions for each form, you can help search engines Decipher your page better.

Structured Data Markup:

Schema.org Deconstructed data markup formats such as guide search engines to better understand the content of web pages. By marking the content of your forms Decently, you can encourage rich snippets to be shown in search results.

Responsive Design:

Responsive design, which performs well on mobile devices and different screen sizes, is important for SEO. Mobile-friendly forms are valued for higher rankings by search engines.Dec.

Accessible Forms:

Accessibility has become an important part of SEO. Ensuring that your forms are user-friendly and suitable for people with disabilities can improve your SEO performance.

URL Structure:

The URL structures of the forms should reflect the keywords and content correctly. Short, descriptive and meaningful URLs can help search engines index your page Decently.

Internal Linking:

By creating internal links between your forms, you can link content together and help search engines Decipher the relationships between your pages. Decryption is a very useful way to help search engines understand the relationships between your pages. Decryption is a very useful way.

Here My Suggestions are Adding multiple Languages and using Rtl What is Rtl Using the interface used in Arabic In my translation, Translating the text from right to left 3otuz.com as a musteri is an important element for you to increase your potential.

Rich design, rich content, rich coding are important for you

Let's Not Forget That a ready-made structure Can be used in more than one place.

I always say that everything should be yours to Have.

Let's come to One of the most important places to sitemap.xml, rss, What are these elements like.

Home and Sub-Pages: The URLs of the main page and all sub-pages of the website must be located in the sitemap. This allows search engines to Decode and index all the content.

Priority and Frequency Information: The sitemap may contain information such as priority and update frequency for each URL. This information informs search engines which pages are Decently important and how often they are updated.

Alternative Language Versions: For websites that are available in more than one language, a sitemap should be created containing the URLs of each language version. This helps search engines to present the correct language version to the user.Dec.

Image and Video URLs: The URLs of the visual and video content on the website must be included in the sitemap. This allows search engines to index media content Decently.

Custom URLs: Custom URLs, such as dynamic or hidden pages, should also be included in the sitemap. This allows search engines to Decode and index all the content.

Categorized Pages: For large websites, it is important that pages divided into different categories or sections are located in a categorized way in the sitemap. This helps search engines to better Decipher the content and improve their rankings.

Deciders know a Little Bit about what should be on Websites, But most Importantly, They are a structure that should make your website Appear on Google search Engines and the user find You comfortable. If You're Asking What These Are, Let me Explain.









/imagemap.xml: This file probably defines an image map. The image map allows you to convert different regions on an image into clickable links.

/map-blogs.xml: This file probably defines a blog map. A blog map contains the URLs and structural information of blog posts on a website.

/map-category.xml: This file defines a category map that contains the URLs and structural information of the categories on the website.

/map-seomap.xml: This file can Decipher a map for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This map can guide search engines to better Decipher the content and structural information of the website.

/map-product.xml: This file defines a product map containing the URLs and structural information of the products on the website.

/newsmap.xml: This file defines a news map containing the URLs and structural information of news articles on a news site.

/rss.xml: This file defines a feed of the content on the website in RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) format. The RSS feed gives users the opportunity to follow the updates on the website.

You know, ask the programmer for this =) Sitemap without hesitation.when I add a product in xml sitempax.ml it should appear and sitemap by web when you delete it inside.xml should be deleted Some programmer friends Use sitemap generator, never Accept it. This is an Easy and practical Way for software friends, You should never Accept it.

The Biggest Problem when Describing them is https,http,www, Let's look at their images on the website, What benefits they have on the website and how they should work. My Suggestion is That https For You, This Means ssl is used For Seo, uncle google recommends it for you

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): HTTP is a protocol that provides information communication between computers on the Internet. Dec. When a web browser wants to access a website, the browser requests the contents of the web page from the server using the HTTP protocol. However, HTTP can harbor vulnerabilities due to the explicit transmission of data.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure): HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP. HTTPS allows data to be transmitted encrypted, which secures communication and prevents information from being read by third parties. Most web browsers access websites using the HTTPS protocol to improve the security of users.

WWW (World Wide Web): WWW refers to an information space that is a subsection of the Internet, contains various sources of information and provides access to these resources. Adding "www" to the address of a website indicates that the site is connected to a web server located on the World Wide Web. However, nowadays, access to many websites can be provided even without the "www" prefix.Oct.

The significance of these terms are:

HTTPS protects the privacy and security of users by making data transmission on the Internet secure.

HTTP and HTTPS are the communication protocols of websites, and web browsers access websites through these protocols.

WWW is a prefix used in the addresses of websites and indicates that the site is connected to a web server located on the World Wide Web. Oct.1.WWW is a prefix used in the addresses of websites and indicates that the site is connected to a web server located on the World Wide Web.

HTTPS is one of the necessary ones to use for you.


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